
Destiny Aurora: Renegades Miniatures Board Game

Created by Destiny Horizons

Destiny Aurora: Renegades is a uniquely immersive sci-fi game miniatures Board Game

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Tri-Gorgon Unlocked & Arachno-Demon
over 7 years ago – Wed, Dec 07, 2016 at 03:47:42 PM

Hi, everyone, we finally did it.  We hit $60k. Only a couple of footsteps from $65k and the next unlock. 

Here's a few more views of the Tri-Gorgon. It's an awesome looking figure. The Tri-Gorgon is smart and ruthless. Anything he can't subjugate, he destroys. Standing 25% taller than the crew figures, he is imposing, with a dual melee attack, it's probably best to engage him at range.


Here's the first look at the Arachno-Demon. He's coming along nicely. He's a nasty guy with dual ranged attacks. Time to get out those arc-blades and try to cut off those multitude of legs. That's what happens when Dreggs start experimenting with cyborg technology, you get something far uglier.  

Work in Progress
Work in Progress


Also some of you have been asking about the other four figures I have planned after the campaign ends. Here's one of them. This character is used only for the Mutagen Campaign Epic Ending. For those of you that enjoy co-op: In this Epic Ending the two factions will have to join forces to eliminate this big bad before he destroys everything in its path. Mutated Cyborg will be a massive figure, probably twice as tall as a normal crew figure. 


Let's unlock and free that Princess (she's always in trouble). And for those of you that purchased the Tri-Gorgon in a bundle, you'll be getting a credit through the Pledge Manager which you can put toward one of the other other 4 figures during the post release.

Keep that train moving forward during the next 13 hours.

Thank you again for all of your support and belief in the project.

-- Frank

Fire Angel and Other Figures in Progress
over 7 years ago – Tue, Dec 06, 2016 at 05:16:09 PM

Looks like we're continuously pushing toward that $60k stretch goal. in the mean time I want to share some more work being done by the sculptors. We'll have all of the figures done before we launch the Pledge Manager.

Here is the Fire Angel. It's not complete. We'll be changing the hair a bit. The Fire Angel is a nasty critter who creates splash damage on adjacent squares when he hits. He's an elemental creature, who's been trying to push the Dreggs and the Zurathi out of his natural habitat.

Not Final
Not Final


Here's the first composite of the Dregg Warrior. His details are not completed (weapons, tattoos, etc.) and he hasn't been posed yet.  

The Dreggs are the anarchists of the galaxy. They love money, fast ships...and spikes. The more danger, the better. They're leader is the worst of the worst - Darius Greaves. Best not to get on his bad side, cause he'll send a bunch of these guys to teach you a lesson.

In Progress
In Progress


 Here's the beginnings of the Kressin Beast. Very little detail has been added at this point, but you can see even from this first render that he's going to be nasty looking. 

The Kressin Beast is an indigenous creature that isn't intimidated by other species invading his home. In fact, he's thrilled by it. The more organic beings that enter his home, the bigger his dinner will be. 

In Progress
In Progress


These figures are in the Add-on section and the Bundles section. 36 hours still to go. Let's get as many of those Stretch Goals unlocked as possible.

-- Frank 

Iron Dragon & Ronin Android Figures
over 7 years ago – Mon, Dec 05, 2016 at 10:45:18 PM

With close to 48 hours to go, I think we have a shot of getting to the $60k stretch goal. We had a couple of new figures come in that I wanted to show you.  

The first is the Iron Dragon. It looks pretty cool. The Iron Dragon is a robotic, yet sentient creature that doesn't like it's home being disturbed, especially by flying arc-bolts and landing ships.


Iron Dragon Creature Card
Iron Dragon Creature Card

The second is the Ronin Android figure. This one is not completed. The face is still being worked on and it hasn't been posed yet, but the sculptor did a great job matching the card art. 

The Androids were created by their leader, Asp-4, who has a vendetta against his makers, namely the Humans. However, in a pinch, all organic beings are their targets. 


Ronin Android Reference Card
Ronin Android Reference Card

 Thank you again for all of your support and words of encouragement. Keep getting the word out and feel free to continue message me with questions.

-- Frank

Add-On Bundles Available
over 7 years ago – Sat, Dec 03, 2016 at 10:18:17 PM

Hi, Destiny Aurora supporters. A great many of you have been asking about bundling the Add-On figures together. Here they are. We've bundled each group together and then did an all inclusive Add-on for the entire set. We've also dropped the prices on individual figures if you wanted something specific as a thank you for your continued and unwavering support.

Also we're on the nomination list by Board Game Geek. Below is the link to vote for the nominees.


We have 41 nominations so far. Really exciting!





If you're wondering what the Creature Holographic Emitter Card is, it's a fun little item we came up with that will allow players to spawn creatures during missions.

 Only 4 days left to go. Let's continue to get the word out.

Thanks again.


Undead Viking Review
over 7 years ago – Fri, Dec 02, 2016 at 09:05:47 PM

Hi, everyone, Happy Friday. It looks we're back moving forward. Thank you all for sticking with us. 

Good news - the Undead Viking's Review Video just hit Youtube and it looks like he did great job explaining everything. I never spoke to him, so the rules he describes are directly from the rule book. 


I am working on the bundles for the add-ons and I'm so glad so many of you are enjoying the book. I'm looking forward to getting the second you out to you.

Some of you have asked me to send pics of the figures that are not painted. Here is a pic of the figures from China that will be used for molding.

  Below are couple of figures painted by Nathan Villareal.

Rovanna Zoor & Krellyn Rane
Rovanna Zoor & Krellyn Rane

Also Many of you have been asking about a bundle of Coalition and Renegades figures as Add-ons so you can paint one set and use another set to play with.

I just put these up on the campaign page.


 Thank you again for all of your Loyalty and Support.

Have a great weekend.
