
Destiny Aurora: Renegades Miniatures Board Game

Created by Destiny Horizons

Destiny Aurora: Renegades is a uniquely immersive sci-fi game miniatures Board Game

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Destiny Aurora RPG - Launched
over 4 years ago – Sat, Dec 28, 2019 at 05:26:44 PM

We hope that everyone had a great holiday, whether it was Christmas, Hanukkah or other celebration. We just wanted to inform you that the Destiny Aurora-Starfinder RPG has launched as of a few hours ago and it's doing great. We're over 50% to goal already with a whole month to go. So we expect to unlock some great stretch goals. There are some early bird specials available until the end of the year as well as some add-ons that you might have missed during the other campaigns - this includes the full 6-issue graphic novel that contains the entire complete first story of Destiny Aurora.


If you've never played an RPG before, this is a great jumping on point. Both the Starfinder Core Rule Book and the Destiny Aurora expansion are available in the campaign. Play as alien races in the Destiny Aurora universe, build your own Coalition, Renegade or Dregg starship and crew up for adventure. Whether it's solving a crime, tracking down a bounty or just causing general chaos, this a fun time for all and you may even run into Jayce and the team on your travels.

Here's a sample page from Issue #6 - the final issue of the story. The graphic novel is available on the new Kickstarter campaign as an add-on. If you were looking to get a hold of the Flibby plushy, it's now available for shipping worldwide.

Happy New Year everyone and wishing you an amazing 2020

-- Frank Zanca


Destiny Aurora RPG Preview Link - Happy Holidays
over 4 years ago – Mon, Dec 23, 2019 at 12:31:35 AM

Hi, Destiny Aurora Fans,

I hope you're all excited about the holidays. Here's something more to get excited about. The Destiny Aurora universe is expanding two-fold.

First - what many of you have been awaiting is finally here, just in time for the holidays. The campaign will be launching on the 28th. If you've never played an RPG, the campaign will include everything you need to get started. If you're a veteran, you're going to love all of the species and mechanics Destiny Aurora brings to the gaming platform. Not to mention the amazing artwork of the new worlds, ships, vehicles, gear and weapons. Choose your faction - Coalition, Renegades or Dreggs. Hunt down criminals or become one and tear up the galaxy.

Though it doesn't launch for a week, here is a PREVIEW LINK, where you can get reminded by email once the campaign launches, as well as check out all of the perks, watch the videos and even leave feedback.

Click the image to be taken to the Kickstarter Preview page for the Destiny Aurora RPG.

The second thing to get excited about (other than presents) is the upcoming 4th novel in the Destiny Aurora quadrology. The first draft will be done by next week, so it should become available within in the next few months. You can pre-order signed copies through the upcoming campaign.

If you've been keeping up with the story, the fate of Rovanna hangs in the balance, tearing Jayce apart. A new villain is introduced as well as new heroes and the return of the Renegades - Dro, Trixx and Azur. Visit new planets and even hang out with Rolf's family on Caltor. It promises to be an exciting ride with some familiar friends.

Upcoming 4 Destiny Aurora Novel

Happy Holidays to all of you and your families and speak to you again on the 28th.

-- Frank Zanca

Live Stream on Unfiltered Gamer Tonight
over 4 years ago – Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 12:48:32 AM

Hi, Everyone,

I just wanted to do a quick update and invite all of you to the live stream tonight on Unfiltered Gamer's FB channel. It begins at 7:30pm and we will be giving away a box of expansion figures.

Check out the live stream of Destiny Aurora: Renegades on Unfiltered Gamer tonight at 7:30 pst.

In addition, I wanted to share with you that I'm working on a big box expansion, including 2 full new crews and two new ships as well as new terrain tiles. It will include A.I.I. characters that will be used in conjunction with the Coalition.

Vipron Figure
Rhea Figure

The figures can also be used for the deck builder that's just about completed.

You know what's also almost completed? The RPG. Finally. I should be getting the indesign file this week, then I have to get a few printed and send them out to reviewers before I launch the campaign. But we're almost there and it's looking great.

I hope to see you all saying hi tonight on the live stream.

-- Frank

Gen Con Baby
almost 5 years ago – Sat, Jul 27, 2019 at 11:10:42 PM

Hi, Destiny Aurora fans,I hope you're having a great week and are getting geared up for Gen Con.Destiny Aurora will be at the B&B Booth- #275. I'll also be play testing the new Destiny Aurora/Shadow Raven Deckbuilder in the gaming hall after the exhibitor area closes up, if you'd like to give it a play.Here's what one of the character cards looks like - - 

Shadow Raven Deck Builder
Shadow Raven Deck Builder

I'm also working on some new expansions for Destiny Aurora. New ship designs and new crewmembers. Including, the character you see here. The minis are being worked on right now. Here's one of the ship designs for the Renegades. 

Renegade Cruiser
Renegade Cruiser

DESTINY AURORA RPG is in full swing. I finally found a designer and we just settled on a page layout. The book should be completed in 3 weeks, then I need to garner some reviews.Hope to see you all at Gen Con.

Frank Zanca


Happy Holiday & RPG Teaser
over 5 years ago – Tue, Dec 25, 2018 at 01:35:46 AM

Hello, Destiny Aurora fans,  

We just wanted to wish your family a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and joyous New Year. We appreciate your continued support and have some exciting things planned for 2019. Below is an example of a race for the upcoming Destiny Aurora RPG that will use the Starfinder Core Rules. If you're not familiar with Starfinder, here is a link to the Starfinder page where you can purchase the core rule book.  


This the Dracaarian race description, which is the race of Kunlore Thorne in the Destiny Aurora novel and comic book series. There's plenty of back story for the race and its peoples. It was written by an editor from Paizo, with me furnishing the story points.

DRACAARIANS (may be Renegade or Dregg)  

-2 Cha, +2 Int, +2 Wis, 4 HP  

If you ever stare a Dracaarian in the eye, it is likely the last thing you’ll ever see. Either you have a bounty on your head, which you’ll soon be losing, or the Dracaarian decided you looked like sporting prey and are hungry for a little hunting diversion. Even if you survive, their ghastly features will haunt your mind for years to come.  

Size & Type  

Dracarrians are large humanoids who match the Zurathi in height, ranging from 6’5” to 7’5” with no differentiation between male and female.  

Warrior for Hire  

Dracaarian adventurers are quick to sell their services to the highest bidder, especially when it involves tracking down individuals with bounties. A Dracaarian can name any one individual as their bounty target, and this selection remains in place until that person perishes or the Dracaarian takes a day to choose a new target. Whenever the Dracaarian faces that bounty target in combat, they receive a +1 to all attack rolls.  

Low-Light Vision  

Dracaarians see better in low light spectrums, such as red illumination, and can see twice as far in this condition.  

Visage of Death  

At the beginning of combat, if their target can see their face, a Dracaarian may make an Intimidation check and add 1-½ x their character level to the result. If successful, the target is shaken for 1d3 rounds.  

Playing a Dracaarian  

You Likely...  

● Are a loner and prefer to be that way.  ● Can work with crews, but rarely seek them out. ● Are skilled in a wide variety of weapons and fields of study. ● Find personal satisfaction in bringing down larger prey. 

Other Races Probably... 

● See you as remorseless mercenaries who will kill anything and anyone for profit. ● Have rumors about demons and devils that originate from your species. ● Find it difficult to socialize with you. ● Wonder if you have any emotional capacity beyond violence.   

Physical Description  

It is rumored that Dracaarians visited Earth in ancient times, as their unique characteristics seem to align with human mythologies concerning ghouls, devils, and other monsters that hide and hunt in the darkness. The Dracaarian predilection for twilight and pure darkness is also an odd parallel. Their skin runs through shades of gray and black, with the occasional pure albino. The only hair on their bodies runs thickly from their heads, almost tentacle-like, and their mouths are filled with fangs, while tusks protrude from their cheekbones. Some also exhibit horn-like growths across their skulls, elbows, and spines. Their tongues can be up to 2” long, and are one of the few expressive parts of their features, slithering from between their lips as they talk, laugh, or mock their enemies. Their eyes are normally red or orange in hue, and overly large.  


Dracaar is a world of shadows and clouds, with little light reaching the surface, resulting in most terrain being windswept dust and stone. Few things take root in this gray soil, and what sunlight does filter through is often deep orange or red, casting what Earthers call a “hellish” glow over much of the cracked, jagged landscapes. Dracaarians prefer these dim environs and find white light to be harsh, with eyesight having evolved to detect more details within the red spectrum. Windstorms ravage the whole world every few months, making human hurricanes look like tiny dust devils in comparison. This has inspired Dracaarians to build incredibly solid dwellings, with spires and whole cities built out of a single substance known as duracrete. This not only provides immovable foundations, but also blends much of their architecture in with the natural stone. Most flora and fauna on Dracaar have evolved under these harsh conditions and are adapted to have heightened survival instincts. Merely taking a stroll on Dracaar is to invite attack from wildlife eager for food or from the sentient denizens eager for battle.  

Society and Alignment  

Dracaarians are an independent sort, working less for the furtherance of their own race and more to establish themselves as elite warriors throughout the galaxy. Much of a Dracaarian’s young life is spent on Dracaar, saving up for a ship and training in all manner of useful and deadly skills they can then employ as mercenaries and bounty hunters. They take pleasure in tracking down anyone they deem as “worthy prey” and retrieving trophies to display to their peers. To them, this is neither noble nor borne of ill will—it simply is acting out the natural galactic cycle of life or death on a much smaller, more intimate scale. What others deem as evil or murder, Dracaarians see a basic exchange of strength versus weakness, and the hunter triumphing over the prey. All Dracaarians are implanted with a transponder chip that will alert them should Dracaar ever come under attack, and will respond enmasse to protect their homeworld.


While Dracaarians can be found in almost any territory throughout the galaxy, it is usually either alone or in the rare pair working together to track down a bounty. They rarely engage in diplomatic exchanges, unless paying work is involved, and while they understand the occasional necessity of teamwork within a crew, they make little effort to socialize or interact with their companions beyond what’s necessary to get the job done. Dracaarian’s enjoy the competition Zurathi warriors provide in their spacebound hunts, and also respect Lamberdarians for their obvious strength, though they believe the fishlike species is weakened by their obsession with wealth over pure victory.


It is rare that the simple urge to explore or better the galaxy lures a young Dracaarian out into the vastness of space. Most seek adventure primarily to accrue as many victories and trophies from one-on-one battles as they can. While they may join a crew, especially as a pilot or security officer, it is often done to further a private mission they have, such as finding a criminal on an isolated planet or cornering another renowned warrior in deep space in order to engage in  

The Dracaarians are warriors of a different sort. They prefer one-on-one battles as opposed to all-out war. Most train their entire lives to purchase a ship and set out into the cosmos in search of bounties and bootie. It is their practice to take trophies and valuable possessions from those they murder and taking a bounty in alive is probably less likely than arriving with a severed head.  


Dracaarians want their names to be known, especially as ones to be feared by weaker sorts. Their names are said to evoke sounds made by the windstorms shearing off stone from cliffs or the sounds of various dying creatures found on Dracaar, but few enough have visited their homeworld or spent enough time their to confirm this theory. Sample names include: Ecorisk Hund, Wrask Liskon, Tiquisk Vellusk, Shliec Ronsc, Xerces Jerrarl, and Ravesh Yinth.

Below is a page from issue 5. It's still a work in progress, but I think it's looking pretty good so far.  

A Page from Destiny Aurora Issue #5. Work in Progress
A Page from Destiny Aurora Issue #5. Work in Progress

Have a great holiday. Talk to you after the new year.  

Frank Zanca  
