
Destiny Aurora: Renegades Miniatures Board Game

Created by Destiny Horizons

Destiny Aurora: Renegades is a uniquely immersive sci-fi game miniatures Board Game

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 6 years ago – Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 09:22:01 PM

After a long wait and a whole slew of delays caused by one thing or another, shipments are starting to come in. 

We recently received thousands of expansion figures. For those of you who ordered additional figures, they're in perfect condition and we'll be compiling the orders, so everything will be ready for shipping when the final games arrive.

Destiny Aurora Expansion Figures
Destiny Aurora Expansion Figures



I'm being sent the final production proof to make sure everything is order. The games will then be shipped out from China within the next couple of weeks. We're at the home stretch. 


In the meantime, B&B Games has launched a new game based on the popular Highlander film where players can take on the roles of Connor MacLeod or the Kurgan in an epic battle for the Quickening. 

Game comes complete with minis of Connor, the Kurgan and the famous MacLeod sword. The campaign only has a few days left, so check it out.


Highlander Miniatures
Highlander Miniatures


Highlander the Duel on Kickstarter

I'm working on a couple of new games myself and we'll be launching a campaign for the next two issues of the Destiny Aurora comic. More announcements to come. 2018 is going to be an exciting year.

Frank Zanca


over 6 years ago – Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 04:07:00 PM

Hi, Destiny Aurora fans. I finally have an update from the manufacturer. They pushed production back 45 days and they are now in full swing. Now I understand why some of the other publishers get frustrated while working with Chinese manufacturers.

Below are pictures sent to me directly from the manufacturer to show the progress of the components and materials.


Box Back Print
Box Back Print


Map Tile Print
Map Tile Print


Card Print Sheet
Card Print Sheet


Punchboard Print
Punchboard Print

They're telling me that the games will be finished printing in 30 days. So we're almost there. So if you want any additional add on figures, it will be your last chance to do so.

Just click the Late Pledge button and it will take you to Backerkit.

If you're going to be at Gencon next week, please stop by the B&B booth. The booth number is #2768. I will be setting up demos of the game to be played in the main hall after the exhibit hall closes. So if you'd like to get a game in before yours arrives, I'd love to show you how it's played.

In addition, the second comic is now complete and we'll be starting on the third when I return from Gencon. It's already written and prepared for the artist. You can look for that on Comixology. We'll be running a crowdfund for a Kickstarter exclusive 3 issue graphic novel in the very near future.

Hope to see you all next week at Gencon.

Frank Zanca

Destiny Aurora: Renegades Going into Mass Production
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 12:07:19 AM

Hi, DA fans,

Sorry that's been a while since we've sent an update, but I'm sure all of you didn't want to hear all about my frustrations while dealing with the Chinese manufacturers.

The good news is, when I arrived at Origins, just a couple of weeks ago, there was a package waiting for me. Yes, it was my production proof for DA and it all looks amazing. Everyone commented on the minis and how cool they were. So, for you miniature fans, you will not be disappointed. 

Here is my interview with Dice Tower at the convention.

Destiny Aurora on Dice Tower
Destiny Aurora on Dice Tower


Immediately after the interview, I was mobbed by Rob, Sam Healey and others, saying they couldn't wait for this game to come out. Of course, you will be the first. 

There are a few changes I'm making from the production proof that's costing a bit more money, but I want everything to be perfect. I am strengthening the game cards as well as the ship cards and making them linen. In addition, the blue you see for the Coalition figures will be more of a baby blue like the color of the figures from The Others.

I have a one more package being sent to me from China this week for final approval and then we'll be going into mass production. This will take two weeks and then we'll have the shipping from China, which could take 4 to 6 weeks.

If any of you are going to Comic Con, I'll be at the Atomic Networks booth with Star Trek's Nichelle Nichols and Farscape's Gigi Edgely. So come join us.

If you're going to be attending Gencon, please let us know as well. B&B will have a booth there too.

We're at the final stretch. I'm excited to hear everyone's unique experiences and stories when you start playing.

Thanks again for all of the support.

Frank Zanca


12 Novel Chapters & Production
about 7 years ago – Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 12:01:52 AM

Hi, Destiny Aurora fans,

It's been about a month since the last update and a lot has happened. I'd like to begin by forwarding the first 12 Chapters of the first Destiny Aurora novel. The download link is below. Writing of the third installment is currently underway.

Reading this will give you some backstory and insight into the characters used in the game and their relationships.


On the production front I've already approved the proofs for the box, the booklets, the punchboards, the cards and the core figures. I'm waiting on the proofs for the add-on figures, then we'll be ready to go into production and they'll be sending me a full sample proof. When I receive it, I'll be doing an unboxing video.

Below is a pic of the uncut card sheet of the characters and the bounty cards.

Card Proof
Card Proof

Now I know why everyone adds months on to their production time, because things that would normally take days, take three times longer in China. We should be going into full production in early May. What I didn't take into consideration was that shipping from China is going to take six weeks. 



Fen-Griffin Parts
Fen-Griffin Parts


Fen-Griffin Complete
Fen-Griffin Complete


Production Mold
Production Mold


Add-on Figure Production Samples
Add-on Figure Production Samples

The comics have all been ordered as well as the badges. The books are being ordered this upcoming week. So we'll be ready to ship as soon as the games come in from China.

Metal Badges
Metal Badges


Tactical Card Box
Tactical Card Box

Thank you all for your support and patience. Believe me I'm dealing with the manufacturing issues and logistics every single day to ensure that the quality is what you expect and are looking forward to.

I'll keep you posted as things progress further.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to private message me.


Frank Zanca

about 7 years ago – Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 10:10:13 PM

Hi, everyone. I hope you're having a great week.

I just wanted to send out a quick update about the Pledge Manager and production. 

PLEDGE MANAGER: We are closing up the first round of pledges to get the orders into the manufacturing. Everyone should have gotten an email from Backerkit saying that their credit cards were charged. The charge will show as WWW.BNBBIZ, which is our publisher B&B Games Studio.

I left it open another week for any last minute donors. There are still 60 donors that have not responded. Please get those surveys in by Monday, or those shipments may not go out with the rest.

PRODUCTION - The core figures are done and molded. I will have the samples at GAMA next week. If anyone is going, please feel free to stop by the B&B Booth. The Add-on figures are being molded now and will be completed by the end of the month. Our team in working on the bleed for the cards and booklets and then they'll be sent over to China and that will complete preparation on our side.

As soon as I get a proof from the manufacturer I'll do a little video.

DESTINY AURORA BOOK 3 - I'll hopefully be starting working the next book when I get back from GAMA. So stay tuned for the progress there.

DESTINY AURORA COMIC- ISSUE #2 - You'll be pleased to know that the second issue of the comic is half way done and the cover is being painted right now. Below is one of the pages. I think the artwork just keeps getting better.

You'll also see Port Saven in the last 2 panels. The buildings on Port Saven are all askew. Nothing on that base is ever on the straight and narrow, just like its occupants.

Destiny Aurora Issue #2 - Page 11
Destiny Aurora Issue #2 - Page 11

As always, if you have any questions, please private message me through the kickstarter page.

The Hollywood Superman just launched a Kickstarter it's getting a bunch of press. If you can share it, I'm sure he would appreciate it. Hollywood Superman Page.

Congrats to Eric Lang and the CMON guys for another successful campaign.

Thank you for your continued support and I can't wait for you all to try out the game and tell your characters' stories.
